Odyssey: Genetic Sampler

On the 19th March at 6:03pm Frontier showed via their Elite: Dangerous Twitter feed one of the new tools appearing in the Odyssey release, the Genetic Sampler. You can read about this and the rest of the update on the Odyssey: Full Breakdown page.

“The Genetic Sampler collects and indexes samples from simple living organisms.”

Elite: Dangerous Twitter

Pulse Wave Analyzer – Fix

Today, following a post on Monday the 14th December, Frontier will deploy a patch to fix the ongoing issue with the pulse wave scanner.

“Greetings Commanders,

“Firstly, we’d like to thank you for your continued patience and support with the Pulse Wave Analyser issue. The challenges of working from home while also developing the largest ever expansion for Elite Dangerous have resulted in a far slower turnaround on this than we’d have liked.

“That being said, we’re glad to confirm that a fix for the Pulse Wave Analyser will come in a patch on Wednesday 16 December. We understand how important this issue is to the Elite Dangerous community, and will endeavor to fix similarly important issues as quickly as possible moving forward.

“Thanks once again for your understanding.”